Saturday, September 13, 2008

rain, bed bulls, and randomness

The morning began rather uneventfully, doing a bit of homework and getting organized, however the afternoon's events more than made up for that. Around 2:30 about half of our group headed out to catch a bus to a fussball (soccer) game. The bus ride took much longer than we anticipated, about an hour and ten minutes, yet we never even left Salzburg! We were worried about finding decent seats, as it was a free game and we got there later than we'd wanted, so we were surprised to see that the stadium actually wasn't that full, and we were able to get relatively good seats. The Salzburg Red Bulls (nothing like blatant sponsorship) started off a little rocky, but they ended up winning the game. Unfortunately, it was absolutely freezing, which put a damper on things. However, that gave us a great excuse to go to a cafe! We headed back into the Altstadt and found our director's favorite cafe. All in all, it was a very fun day!

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