Friday, September 12, 2008

Mirabell and Mozart

The day started off rather routine with class in the morning. Once we were set free for the weekend, Chris, Teresa and I headed off to go wander the town. Our first stop was Mirabell Gardens. Even though the weather was a bit dreary, we enjoyed ourselves.

After we had our fill of the flowery haven, we headed out on foot to go get 'lost' in the city. We picked a fun-looking little side-street and started our adventure. We found it to be quite successful as Teresa found the ORIGINAL Mozartkugeln (a dark chocolate candy ball filled with a layer of milk chocolate and marzipan) which she'd been searching for. After our sweet treat, we crossed the river back to the Altstadt where we saw Mozart's Geburtshaus (birth house). The wandering continued, and we checked out a bookstore before heading back the dorms.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

yuummmmmy. that was a great treat. we need to have another wandering-the-city date again soon. :) (there may be mozartkugeln involved).